I have a holiday gift idea for those who have “everything,” and for those who feel utterly empty inside…could be for oneself or someone you know who is struggling to heal from trauma.  

I consider, in the simplest explanation, Keane to be fabulous mindfulness (and heart breathing) guide.  He does this in one on one zoom meetings.  

He’s a gentle, very insightful yogi that is possibly the most calming person I know.  Don’t expect a rigid agenda.  Expect to become more acquainted with your heart.  And more acquainted with silence, as there will be no rush to fix what can’t be fixed with rushing.  

Single sessions are available but attached is a current special package he is running.  It’s not remotely glitzy because, well, he’s not trying to “market” it. He’s trying to just help heal the world one heart at a time, as it naturally occurs.  Perhaps yours or for someone you love? 

Whether this appeals to you or not, may we all prioritize our mental and spiritual health (for it it will naturally make us more loving and accepting) this season and always.  Our world depends on it. 

Eric Murr